EZ COE ICT - finalization
- Kasidet: purchase Japanese merchandise for display
- Mr Ron Tan: purchase "sample" products
- Kenwin: print approx. 20 photos
- Jordan & Angus: come up with a script for the presentation
- 2pm - registration at Ngee Ann Sec's porch
- 2.30pm - address by LucasFilms
- 3.30pm - break
- 4pm - people will be visiting the display booths
- The whole event should end at around 6pm.
- Ngee Ann Sec's school hall will be open from 2.30pm-6pm the day before the event, to allow for setting up of equipment and decorations
The day before the event, we will be leaving for Ngee Ann Sec to set up our booth. We will leave all decorations and items at the booth. We will only be bringing back the projector and laptops.
Note: please bring all electric/electronic equipment on Tuesday, to make sure they work in Ngee Ann Sec.
We are provided with 2 whiteboard panels (in a "T-shape"), 1 power socket, 2 tables and possibly some desks.
We need to bring our own extension cords, speakers, laptops, projector, VGA cable and decorations. We will also be bringing the banner for the Kyushu trip.
Note: Everybody should bring their own personal souvenirs (e.g. keychains, soft toys, etc.) as well! Please pass them to Mr Daryl Tan by Monday, 6 April!
- "Decentralized". Instead of us addressing a large group of people at once, there will be numerous "stations" around the booth. At each station, 1 or 2 people will be explaining an individual aspect of the project and trip.
- The Mt Aso project by Jordan and Angus will be displayed on a laptop.
- Jordan's, Ashley's, Kasidet's, Sidney's and Sahil's projects will be printed out by Mr Ron Tan, and will be used as "samples" for visitors to flip through.
- Jordan and Angus will be explaining their Mt Aso project.
- The remaining people will explain their individual projects, as well as memorabilia such as photographs and souvenirs.
An important part of the presentation is the description of how we went about doing the project:
- Google Docs (collaborative file-sharing site) for sketching of ideas
- our areas of research
- how we compiled our research data in Google Docs
- we consulted teachers on how we could improve our projects - teachers could monitor our progress through Google Docs
- the trip was used to collect information, such as photos and maps. This allowed us to think of new ideas and improve our lesson plans further.
- the post-trip period was used to add on to the existing projects and refine our ideas and focus.
- we then consulted the teachers again and finalized our project.
- the completed lesson plans were then used to teach Lower Sec students History and Geography (e.g. the Minamata Disease presentation).
This shows that the entire Kyushu trip and creation of lesson plans was a student-led initiative from start to finish. Everything was done by students, with minimal intervention from teachers.
Remember: the key purpose of this EZ COE ICT event is to show how Victoria School has managed to integrate ICT into its lessons!
- Jordan
- Jordan