This Humanities learning journey...

is organized by Victoria School's Humanities Department to promote a deeper understanding of Social Studies, Geography and History and greater appreciation of the people and culture of Japan.

This blog is best viewed in Firefox, 1024 x 768. a JICE-JENESYS programme...

partly sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Center's (JICE) Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS).

1st meeting for IFD '09

Hi people,

Today was the first meeting for the organizing committee of International Friendship Day (IFD) '09, and here are the minutes.

Agenda: committee members and their duties, aims of IFD, outline for IFD celebrations (including activities and assembly programme).


Chairman: Ernest

Co-chairman: Sidney

Secretaries: Ashley, Jordan

Performance I/Cs: Angus, Kasidet

Logistics: Ming Jun, Kian Chong

  •  To forge international friendships
  •  To learn about our citizenship
  •  To learn about different cultures and how they relate to us

  •  Emcees and AV crew. Suggested: 2 "main" emcees for the assembly program, with "specialized" emcees for the Kyushu, Guangzhou and India trips.


  •  Date: 17 April 2009 (Friday). However, celebrations will run for the entire week.
  •  Assembly program must be more interactive - avoid boring the audience with PowerPoint presentations and speeches!
  •  Videos from Japan and China
  •  Overseas students and scholars translate school announcements into their native languages "live" (i.e. immediately after the announcement has been read).
  •  MORE FUN AND GAMES (minimize use of PowerPoint presentations!).
  •  Static displays at the canteen.
  •  Deploy people to man "stalls" and show videos of the trips.
  •  Scholars from 3D and 3H to put up presentations on their native countries.


The activities for IFD '09 will most probably be divided based on level.

Venues required (tentative) : hall, auditorium, field, amphitheatre, and possibly more.


  •  Games of different ethnic groups and countries (require resources - logistics department to look into this).
  •  Trip memorabilia (e.g. scrapbooks, souvenirs) on display.
  •  Teach them to cook food of different countries during Home Econs lessons (needs approval and confirmation from Mrs Melissa Lim and Ms Hashimah).

  •  Movie screening in hall.

  •  Movie screening in auditorium.
I/Cs for Lower Sec: Angus, Kasidet, Ming Jun, Jordan

I/Cs for Sec 3: Ashley, Sidney

I/Cs for Sec 4: Kian Chong, Ernest



  •  The assembly will be held in the hall on a Monday, during the 3 CE-TT periods.

7.50-8.25am: All levels gather in hall for presentations from the various exchange trips and from overseas students. Suggestion: fill up intervals between presentations with performances.

8.25-9.00am: Levels split up for their respective activities. Lower Sec students will play games of different ethnic groups. The movies for the Upper Sec students will be foreign movies.

9.00-9.35am: Undecided as of yet.


Please pass any suggestions you may have to Mr Khoo or the organizing committee! Thanks! :D

- Jordan