This Humanities learning journey...

is organized by Victoria School's Humanities Department to promote a deeper understanding of Social Studies, Geography and History and greater appreciation of the people and culture of Japan.

This blog is best viewed in Firefox, 1024 x 768. a JICE-JENESYS programme...

partly sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Center's (JICE) Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS).

Contact information

JTB Singapore

Tel: +65-6320 5310
Fax: +65-6536 3823

Emergency contacts

Mr Hatanaka (JTB Singapore): +65-9820 0684

Ms Shiho Ogura (JTB Kyushu): +81-9275 23521

Victoria School

2 Siglap Link
Singapore 448880
Tel: +65-6291 2965
Fax: +65-6445 2609

- Kenwin