This Humanities learning journey...

is organized by Victoria School's Humanities Department to promote a deeper understanding of Social Studies, Geography and History and greater appreciation of the people and culture of Japan.

This blog is best viewed in Firefox, 1024 x 768. a JICE-JENESYS programme...

partly sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Center's (JICE) Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS).

EZ COE ICT event - briefing

Victoria School is the East Zone's Centre of Excellence for Information & Communications Technology (EZ COE ICT), and the Humanities Learning Journey to Kyushu, Japan has been selected as one of the items to be showcased during an event on Wednesday, 8 April, 2-5pm, at Ngee Ann Secondary School.


  •  What was the Kyushu trip?
  •  Where did we go?
  •  Who sponsored the trip?
  •  Explanation of the trip being an "interdisciplinary study" of Geography, History and Social Studies
  •  Explanation of the service learning aspect of the trip - the products (worksheets, lesson plans) benefit others!


  •  The main objective of the trip was to create a lesson package for future students to use in their studies of the Humanities
  •  Before the actual trip, we created a draft of our lesson packages. This would allow us to know what our final project would be like, and thus what we would be focusing on during the trip (e.g. soil samples, interviews, etc.)
  •  After the trip, we revised our projects and created the final worksheets and lesson plans.
  •  The project was ongoing! Thus, we always had something on our hands and could fully utilize the experiences gained during the trip.


  •  Worksheets and lesson plans
  •  Explanation of how we were given personal freedom to do our projects, according to what we wanted to accomplish (e.g. what questions we wanted to include, how we would go about accomplishing lesson objectives)
  •  Explanation of the Kyushu trip being a STUDENT-LED INITIATIVE (instead of teachers designing worksheets for students, this time it was students designing for fellow students!)
  •  How we used Google Docs to collate information, Google Sites to showcase our projects to others, and the blog to combine all aspects of the project and trip into one place.


  •  "Specimens", such as journals and scrapbooks
  •  soil samples and rocks from Mt Aso
  •  posters and maps
  •  photos to showcase the different parts of the trip, such as the school visit and the Minamata Disease Centre (Kenwin to print out $50 worth of 4R photos).
  •  sample lesson plans (print out)
  •  videos (Ming Jun to collate)
  •  borrow a projector from Ngee Ann Sec
  •  Japanese memorabilia (e.g. clothes, biscuits, etc.).

The overall objective of our presentation at Ngee Ann Sec next Wednesday is to express the freedom we (the students) had in our various projects, and how we got to stretch our minds and be creative in our lesson packages; to make it known that the trip was subsidized by the Japanese government, and thus such a fieldtrip is feasible for many other schools; and to IMPRESS OTHERS and "sell" VS. :P

Remember, MOE officials, teachers, principals and students from different schools will all be there! Our projects represent VS!

More details will be up soon.

- Jordan


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