This Humanities learning journey...

is organized by Victoria School's Humanities Department to promote a deeper understanding of Social Studies, Geography and History and greater appreciation of the people and culture of Japan.

This blog is best viewed in Firefox, 1024 x 768. a JICE-JENESYS programme...

partly sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Center's (JICE) Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS).

The day has arrived!

The day has arrived! At 1.10am tomorrow morning, the 24 of us + 2 teachers will be flying off to Kyushu, Japan for our Humanities Learning Journey!


The past week has been very hectic, what with all the meetings, but remember that all that preparation - as well as the trip itself - is for the "greater good". xD

We'll be using the knowledge gained from this trip to help teach the future Lower Sec students! I bet you just can't wait to torture them with your worksheets, right? =.=

The fact that the outcomes of this trip are "tangible" should motivate us to work harder both during and after the trip. Remember your lesson plans and what you planned to achieve in them!

As much as we'd like it to be so, this field trip isn't a holiday. :( It is merely one part of this learning journey we've volunteered to undertake in order to help future generations of students. Focus on the lessons behind each location we visit, and this trip will become much more meaningful.

See you all at the airport! ^^

- Jordan


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